I like camping as to be close to the nature is very important for me. I cannot stay in a crowded city all the time, From time to time I need to escape from it, to rest in our mysterious world, to listen to the speech of nature. I adore all outdoor activities. I like reading books, listening to all kinds of music, learning languages, watching movies and having fun. I like to spend my free time in the open air having picnics and BBQ together with my friends.
I am a sensitive, calm and romantic woman. Also I can say that I am an open and communicative person. I like to meet new people and to learn something new. I am loyal, and I always try to find the way to solve any troubles without disputes and problems. I am very romantic, and I really believe in miracles, love and luck. It is very important for me to know that I can count on my man, that I can trust him and know that we can share everything together. I am very helpful and compassionate, and I think that I do the right things in the life.
45 - 70 years old
I need a man with whom we will share not only fun or happy moments, we will share real life and troubles that will be in our way. Everything is very simple, because I am looking for someone I can trust and feel cared for and protected because I have only one heart and I don't want it to be broken and used with someone who has no good intentions.
I like pop, club music.
Denzel Washington / Julia Roberts
I prefer horror movies.
I do fitness.
I have been to Germany, Poland, Turkey.
The President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky
I like spending my time quietly.
I would like to change my sensitivity.
Never lose your heart!
Yes, I am.
I prefer to live in a busy city.
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